Dear Journal,

This morning, we had to wake up extremely early to prepare the food for the wolves and dogs, (along with some Mission:Wolf staff members). I am not a very good morning person, so I, (along with Grace), were the last people to wake up.

With the feeding, I smashed up pills. When it came time to pour the crushed pills into the food bowls, it got really confusing. There were so many bowls on the table and benches. Some of the paint was scraped off, so it was hard to tell what food bowl belonged to which dog/wolf.

Then Peitro, (I think that’s how you would spell his name), gave us a tour around the camp. It was pretty cool to see all of the wolf pens. When we were introduced to the pair of wolves in each pen, he gave us a back story behind them. This back story included where they came from, why they were here, what happened to them in the past that got them to be rescued by their camp, and how well they are doing now.

The funny thing is, when I take about 10 steps up a short little slant of stairs, I’m winded! This elevation makes it so hard to breathe because of the thin air! Or maybe it’s the altitude, (and inside joke of ours)! It should be fun climbing up that mountain or hill that is in front of our campsite. I might just die climbing that thing! Wish me luck!


               Meggan DeSousa

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    Meggan DeSousa
    Chelsea Barboza
    Anthony Dempsey
    Grace Perry
    Amber Mello
    Meera Sabeh


    June 2013

